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"Old" David Shannon

  • Fabrica Competa Cam. de Archez, 3 Cómpeta, AN, 29754 Spain (map)

My name is David Shannon and I am an amateur photographer living in Competa.

I started photography when I was still a teenager. I was lucky enough to go to a school that had a darkroom and a teacher who was passionate about photography and could pass on his knowledge in printing. It is always fascinating to see how the print develops in front of the viewer's eyes in the rack. It's important to remember that darkroom technology was the original Photoshop!

I shoot mainly with black and white film and develop and print the photos myself. I photograph mainly portraits, but also like old buildings.

At art college I was able to achieve the degree of Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society. The submitted works were taken with black and white film and printed in the darkroom, not digital images.

My last exhibition was in Vienna at the Lik Gallery. Lik Academy has three photography schools in Austria and it was a privilege to exhibit there. I have exhibited my work at the Competa Art Walk for two years and will be exhibiting and teaching at Competa Photo Days for the second time this year.

My exhibition this year has the theme of age:

Exhibition: Life in transience

Welcome to this year's Competa Photo Days exhibition! This year we have chosen to address a topic that is often overlooked, yet of central importance - aging.
The concept of this exhibition revolves around the beauty and meaning of life in transience. Through a series of captivating photographs, we hope to invite the viewer to explore the rich diversity and deep emotions that come with aging.
Dave Shannon has captured different aspects of aging with great care and dedication. From the wrinkled hands that tell stories of years past to the tired eyes that reflect a world of memories, the images will lead you into a quiet dialogue with time and life.
With this exhibition, we want to encourage society to view aging not as a loss, but as an inevitable part of the human experience. We want to promote understanding, appreciation and respect for our older generation while conveying the understanding that the beauty of life knows no age limit.
The photographs will not only reflect the outward traces of aging, but also capture the inner elixir of life - the wisdom, life experience and indomitable strength that resides in the hearts of people as they face the challenges of growing older.
We invite you to participate in this fascinating journey through old age. Be prepared to broaden your perspective and look at aging in a new light. Take time to immerse yourself in these photographs that tell stories older than ourselves. We hope this exhibition will raise awareness and provide a rich reflection on the transience of life.
So come by and be enchanted by the touching images. Join us on this journey of discovery and consider aging as a process that constantly shapes us, leaving behind precious treasures. This exhibition tells the stories of those who have lived life and who teach us to appreciate the beauty of old age.
Welcome to the exhibition "Life in Transience"!

November 2

"From Contemplation to the Appropriation of the Landscape" Edu Rosa

November 2

Santiago Martínez de Septien "Capturando Momentos: Un año en Imágenes"