Michelo Toro "Un Mundo Feliz" - Exhibition at the LIK Competa Photo Days

"Un Mundo Feliz"

Without having a clear idea to defend or explore, these photographs are a collection of "walks" around the world, where I observe and get carried away by the less glamorous places of the destinations, where the houses and perhaps the feeling of what is my home in a given moment are brought before our eyes. Houses that mix with nature, where sometimes doubts arise about who lives in whom, and images emerge that sometimes remind me of Japanese haikus, where the banal and the everyday become protagonists. By making the places anonymous, I try to make the viewer create his own story as a mirror and dive into his own memories and reflections.

Thinking about the concept of happiness, both in my photographs and outside of them, has led me to this series, which makes me question whether "A Happy World" is a statement or a question. Let everyone decide for themselves.

This project was born in 2013, had a first chapter under the name "Strange lands", grew under "There's nothing like home" and today is about to conclude in "Brave New World".

Michelo Toro


Competa Photo Days 2022


World Masters of Photography in Competa